What Am I Reading?

What Am I Reading?

If you have known me for any time at all, you probably are already aware of my love for books or at least the fact that I wear glasses for reasons not associated with being fashion savvy.  I have been reading stacks of books for longer than I can remember and way before it was trendy to admit to it. That is how I earned my right to wear prescription glasses.

I must admit that is not a trait that will pave the path to popularity or meeting a dashing young man that will sweep you off your feet.  However, I had stayed in close contact with the One who wasn’t limited by what was popular and I met my prince at a youth group Christmas party (my sister made me go).  Our few dates before we became engaged to marry consisted of long walks with caramel lattes in our hands.

At one point, I had gathered the courage to suggest we go to the library on our next date.  Granted, this was after we were married.  YEARS after we were married.  “The library?! What are we going to do at the library?!” was his response, with the look of bewildered confusion on his face.  “Well, we would read books together,” I explained.  Slavic reads books, don’t get me wrong.  But that was NOT his idea of a date.  I was deeply disappointed.  

I opened up about my disappointment to a friend from church, expecting she would sympathize with me.  She broke out in hysterical laughter and followed up by admitting she hasn’t laughed so hard for a while, then finished with, “Who goes to the library for a date?!”  (You know who you are, my friend ;)  So much for sympathy!

So I’ve kept my book reading adventures all to myself, until now.  Now I’m ready to share what I’m reading with anyone who cares to know or shares my fascination with literature, especially the kind that teaches, challenges, and encourages.

The book I am currently reading was written by William Bennett and is titled: “Tried by Fire: The Story of Christianity’s First Thousand Years.”  Dr. William J. Bennett has written more than twenty-five books, has been adviser to presidents, host of top-ten nationally syndicated radio show, “Bill Bennett’s Morning in America,” and most importantly he is a follower of Jesus Christ.


What I love about this book is that Dr. Bennett covers one thousand years of Christianity’s history, which, to begin with, is not taught anywhere in schools.  Most people are completely unaware of the role Christianity has played in defending personal freedoms, as well as preserving the knowledge and discoveries in philosophy, science, mathematics, rhetoric and literature from ancient times.  He presents the developments through every century in story form, not a list of dates and events.

What I learned from this book: It has put my life into perspective, helping me see that my life fits into a bigger plan than my five year, ten year, or even twenty year plan.  It has reminded me of the enormous sacrifices of Christians that preceded our time, and I understood more clearly the price of true faith.

I was encouraged by this book, knowing that whatever struggles I have faced in my life thus far, is pretty much not that big of a deal compared to what others have endured. At the same time, I am filled with a realization that the message of the gospel is worth the cost. I cannot be downcast or discouraged knowing that if I must endure any hardship beyond the usual hardships of this life, it is for a cause worth that price.

I highly recommend reading this book, the sooner the better. If you can’t afford buying one, check it out at the library.  Who knows, it could turn out to be a great idea for a date!

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